A Miniatures blog dedicated to recreating the toys and cartoons of the 1980's in 28mm.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Kobra infiltrators in the police force

The "Freds" have infiltrated all layers of society, including the police forces. Using generic last names like "White" or "Smith" and serving in different units, you would never know there are so many of them, while allowing them to trade places or provide alibi's without being caught.

A few gaps still to fill properly and tidy up. All models from West Wind's Roadkill range, with Fred heads. The police caps on the two models in the middle were taken from the original heads of the figures and added to the Fred heads.

It's not just the grunts though. This Fred is posing as a wary "I've seen it all" police detective in civilian clothing. He can use his position to lead unsuspecting real police officers into a battle against the good guys when they show up in town. Donor body for this one was a Heresy Miniatures figure.


  1. Cracking conversion especially those with the caps!

    1. It turned out surprisingly easy. I used one of those hobby cutters with a flat edge to take off the top of the Fred head and the face below the cap of the policeman head.

  2. That's what we got here in the States for sure!
